Get Your Apps Recognized By App Store Optimization

Companies spend several months developing an application. They have a goal for their application to be downloaded by the vast majority of people. To make that happen, they have to do something different because many similar apps are present on the Google and Apple store.  

There are many things that app developers have to keep in mind to make their application visible. But nowadays, this task can be handled by companies that specialize in App Store Optimization. Our company, Octane Web Services is a leader in the industry. Our track record speaks for itself.

Benefits of App Store Optimization

Before you decide to get the work done, it is necessary to know the benefits that you’d get by taking App Store Optimization service from Octane Web Services.

The benefits of getting App Store Optimization are:

Catchy Title

An attractive and catchy title is the most important aspect to make your app visible. You get a space of only 30 characters, where you have to adjust the title for your application. It is advised to write a title that correctly depicts what your application is about. 

There is no space for unnecessary words in the title because of the limited space constraint. We know it can be difficult for app developers. So, let the experts at Octane Web Services take care of it. We have many years of experience which makes us aware about the titles that would work.

Description That Says It All

Now that a user has clicked on your application, it is time to show them what all can be done through your application. For that, writing effective descriptions are necessary. You get around 252 characters to write a description which can be seen by the user without clicking on “Read More”. A user will only read the whole description if that 252 character description provides some value.

It is absolutely essential that you write all the features and qualities that make your application unique. At Octane Web Services, we perform complete competitor analysis before writing a high-quality, result oriented description.


Keywords play an important role in making your application visible on the App Store and Google Play Store. Although many users find applications by directly searching for them, your application can also be found when keywords are used wisely.

Not all people know the exact name of an application. Sometimes they search for a random word, which can be a feature in your application. In those cases, you must use your application’s major features as keywords. Also, make sure to use synonyms for your application’s name. 

Reviews & Ratings

Reviews and Ratings make an application appear genuine. It is human nature to do things that other people approve of. It is programmed in our subconscious in such a way that more than 90 percent of people make decisions based on other people’s opinion about something.

Some years back, it was difficult for people to rate an application because they had to open the store, then the app and then rate it. It was a lengthy process, which was hated by many people. 

To counter this problem, developers have now made it easier by giving an option to rate the application while it is being used. To take it up a notch, developers have started to combine human psychology with it. Developers have placed in-app ranking systems at places where a person can reach only after using the application for some time. Usually when a person completes some task and they feel that they have achieved something, they’re more likely to give a positive rating.

Expert Assistance From Us

App Store Optimization is a sector that is untapped by many businesses. All the above mentioned ways can actually skyrocket your application’s growth. All the famous and amazing applications have the above mentioned qualities. Whether people make a conscious or a subconscious decision, these aspects sure bring some great results.